Pagonyi Adrienn EV.

Access Bars®

Price: 20.000 HUF / 1 hour

Access Bars® is a dynamic, practical and immediate tool to change your life. It allows you to let go of your fixed points of view, to change what is not working in your life. Even things you have previously thought were unchangeable. All this by lying comfortably on a massage bed and letting the change happen through the gentle touch of thirty-two points on your head.


It is said that Access Bars® will at best change your whole life, and at worst you will just relax for a little while.

In addition, it is perfect, to release stress, to reduce fear, anxiety, panic, to reduce hyperactivity, attention deficit, behavior disorder, for exam pressure, for sleeping problems, to unblock blockages in any area of life, for health and weight problems, for trauma relief.

Access Consciousness® facilitation

Price: 30.000 HUF / 1 hour

Access Consciousness® aims to create a world of awareness and unity, to empower people to know that they already know. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. The founders – Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer – have created a system of tools and techniques to help you reach this.

Individual facilitation is a conversation in which we use the tools of Access Consciousness®. Although we primarily work with questions here, we also use dynamic cleansing and release methods in a less cognitive way, but rather following the energy behind the words.

Facilitation can be used perfectly in case of relationship issues or financial challenges and also in other areas of life. It sheds light on our fixed points of view and our own self-delusions.

Terveztem neked egy új évi programot!

Ez a tíz hét most csak rólad fog szólni! Tíz hét, ahol mindent megkapsz, hogy ne csak álmodd, de éld is álmaid életét. Tíz hét, ami után semmi sem lesz olyan, mint annak előtte.