Pagonyi Adrienn EV.

Hello, I am Adrienn Pagonyi.  A witch in high-heels.  

I spent twenty-five years working in the corporate environment to finally work with people asking for a change in their current situation, who want to feel different about their lives, their future, those having goals and are willing to work for them.

Of course many changes led to this.  In 2018 my life has completely changed and knocked me out.  That’s when I first heard about this weird thing called Access Consciousness and further more about Access Bars.  I was skeptical but had to realize that the tools I learnt worked.

I started making different choices and asked for more and more for both myself and my three sons.  And life started changing dynamically:  first a new job, then becoming an entrepreneur and in the end a whole new world opened up.

I had to realize that this modality sounds way too spiritual for some people so I became a life and business coach so that I can work with people who prefer being more rational.

The two modalities are a perfect match in my portfolio as there is not one, unified solution for all, but tailor made ones exist.

What’s true for all my clients:  I work with those who dare to walk that extra mile to get a result others can only dream of.

Terveztem neked egy új évi programot!

Ez a tíz hét most csak rólad fog szólni! Tíz hét, ahol mindent megkapsz, hogy ne csak álmodd, de éld is álmaid életét. Tíz hét, ami után semmi sem lesz olyan, mint annak előtte.